conference → schedule

conference schedule

(08:45 - 09:00) Registration
(09:00 - 09:15) Opening of the conference, welcome, presentation of the conference agenda

  • welcome from Michael Diedring, CEELI Institute Director
  • welcome message from Václav Havel

(09:15 - 09:45) Keynote speaker

Professor of Human Rights
(09:45 - 10:00) Coffee break


Block 1: What is the Actual State of CSR in the EU-10?

(10:00 - 10:20) Summary of experiences on the situation of CSR in the EU-10

  • Pavel Franc, Program GARDE - Global Alliance for Responsibility Democracy and Equity of the Environmental Law Service

(10:20 - 11:00) Three Central European case studies: Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia

  • Roman Havlíček, CEPA - Friends of the Earth Slovakia
  • Philippe Kalfayan, FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights,
  • Jiří Nezhyba, Program GARDE - Global Alliance for Responsibility Democracy and Equity of the Environmental Law Service

(11:O0 - 12:00) Plenary discussion: What is the Actual State of CSR in the EU-10?
(12:00 - 14:00) Lunch


Block 2: Taking CSR Seriously: What Should CSR Really Look Like?

(14:00 - 15:00) Four contributions on visions of what CSR should look like and if CSR is appropriate answer to today's challenges.

  • Craig Bennett, Head of Corporate Accountability Campaign, Friends of the Earth UK,
  • Vladimír Špidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities
  • Richard Howitt, British MEP, European Parliament´s spokesperson on Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Pierre Echard, Director of National Partner Network, CSR Europe

(15:00 - 15:45) Panel discussion among the above speakers
(15:45 - 17:00) Plenary discussion on the topic: What should CSR really look like?
(17:00 - 17:15) Coffee break


Block 3: Guided plenary debate on entire day, resulting in

(17:15 - 17:45) summary of contributions and debate

  • Jan Drahokoupil, evaluator, Economy and Society Trust, Czech Republic; Central European University, Budapest; University of Amsterdam


The conference will be interpreted between English and Czech.



Should you require any additional information at this point, please contact:


Pavel Franc
Project Director
(+420) 545 575 229


Gwendolyn Albert
Conference Coordinator
League of Human Rights
(+420) 224 816 765


The conference has been made possible through funding from the European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; the International Visegrad Fund; Royal Netherlands Embassy; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The sole responsibility of this material lies with the author (GARDE-EPS). The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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