international federation for human rights - fidh

The aim of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is to obtain effective improvements in the protection of victims, the prevention of Human Rights abuse and the prosecution of those responsible for these violations. Established in 1922, it is now a federation of 141 Human Rights organisations in over 100 countries and co-ordinates and supports their activities and provides them with a voice at the international level. Its priorities include protecting human rights defenders, ensuring legal remedies for victims of rights abuses, promoting the implementation of human rights standards at international banking institutions and multinational corporations, and carrying out civil society support programmes.



OEKOBUERO is an umbrella organization of 13 Austrian environmental NGOs. Members include the Austrian national organizations of Greenpeace, WWF and Friends of the Earth, ?Four Paws? and many others. OEKOBUERO is member of the European Environmental Bureau in Brussels and also a member of Justice & Environment (J&E).

OEKOBUERO actively encourages and promotes communication and information exchange as well as cooperation between its member organizations and carries out projects on selected topics in accordance with an annual work plan. One of the major working fields is environmental law. OEKOBUERO provides legal service to environmental NGOs and citizen groups via its ?Environmental Law Service?, is active in providing expertise in law drafting processes and organizes conferences and seminars on legal topics such as the Aarhus Convention and new EU legislation.

OEKOBUERO is also member of an Austrian NGO & trade union platform on CSR, which was established recently. The platform?s objective is to facilitate discussion and help NGOs and trade unions in negotiating processes concerning CSR.



friends of the earth slovakia - cepa

Friends of the Earth Slovakia - CEPA is a one of the largest environmental NGOs in Slovakia. It was established by institutionalisation of the Sustainable Economy Program of the Centre for Environmental Public Advocacy (CEPA). CEPA?s main objectives include protecting the environment, promoting environmental, social and economic justice, pursuing the development of democracy and open civic society; supporting sustainable development of Slovak regions and strengthening effective participation of citizens in decision-making processes linked with public interest issues. CEPA also engages in education, publishing and campaigning activities. It is also a founding member of Justice & Environment (J&E).



league of human rights

The vision of the League of Human Rights (LHR) is that the Czech Republic will become a society in which all people understand their rights and are able to exercise them while at the same time recognizing the rights of others and the principle of equal opportunity. Human rights should form a natural part of everyday life. The league aims to professionally monitor and analyse the human rights situation in Czech society, to inform the general public, professionals, domestic and international institutions about the Czech human rights situation, the League?s activities and its experiences; To lobby for human rights protections, for systemic improvements and to propose legislative and regulatory measures; To provide professional assistance to those whose human rights have been violated; To educate professionals, students, and the general public about human rights; and in selected cases, to take direct legal action.



trade union of agricultural workers - association of free trade unions


Trade Union of Agricultural Workers - Association of Free Trade Unions Czech Republic (TuoAW-AFTU) is an independent voluntary association of approximately 100 000 members. It is a member of EFFAT. TUoAW-AFTU offers its members legal consultation in labour issues, salary advice, consultation in social, health, illness and pension insurance and tax advice. TUoAW-AFTU offers organisations help in collective negotiation and negotiating with employers. It publishes the monthly ?Agros bulletin?.



environmental management and law association - emla

The Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA) is a Hungarian NGO specializing in environmental law, environmental management and NGO law. Since October 1994, EMLA has provided free litigation services for environmental NGOs and the general public in approximately 500 cases. EMLA participates in drafting legislation for the Hungarian Ministry of Environment both in environmental impact assessment and public participation issues. EMLA leads a program on the development of NGO law in Hungary and has created a foundation for environmental education, which encourages university students to study high priority environmental issues in Hungary with a multidisciplinary approach. EMLA?s publishing activities include legal commentaries in professional forums in Hungary, articles in the Journal of European Environmental and Planning Law and on the website EMLA is also active in disseminating its work through NGO networking, such as through its membership in GUTA (Central and Eastern European Public Interest Lawyers Network) and as a founding member of Justice and Environment (J&E).



estonian fund for nature - elf

The Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) is an Estonian environmental NGO with major programs in nature conservation, environmental education, and sustainable development. ELF focuses on environmental law through its sustainable development program. It specifically provides legal assistance for individuals, NGOs and municipalities; participates in decision-making processes and initiates court cases to promote sound national and EU environmental law; comments on environmental legislation from nature protection, sustainable development and public participation point of views; helps develop new environmental legislation in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Environment.

ELF has published several handbooks in subject of public participation, and has been active in social responsibility-related problems. ELF provides environmental reports for companies and is developing active partnerships with companies that implement environmental-friendly technologies (e.g. paper production, printing services, etc.). ELF is a member of CEEWEB, IUCN and is a founder member of Justice & Environment (J&E). ELF is also a long-time partner of WWF in Estonia.



legal information centre for NGOs Slovenia - pic

The Legal Information Centre for NGOs (PIC) offers legal counselling for Slovenian NGOs. PIC informs NGOs about legal matters, provides legal opinions, and publishes legal commentaries. PIC also trains NGOs in how to cooperate and negotiate with EU institutions, the state, and local government. PIC seeks to improve the conditions of NGOs in Slovenia and conducts projects that better network Slovenian NGOs and provides them with a larger role in decision-making. Through its legal initiatives, PIC is working towards improve working conditions for NGOs, such as in its projects on ?Tax legislation regarding NGOs? and ?Law on NGOS?.




trade union of food workers of the slovak republic


The Trade Union of Food Workers of the Slovak republic (STUoFW) is a civil association that aims to assert the legitimate requests of its members, defend especially their labour, wage, working, social and basic democratic rights. STUoFW exercises an independent trade union policy in accordance with the Agenda of the trade union vis-a-vis to political parties, employers associations, state bodies, civil associations and initiatives. STUoFW represents 13.000 members at the national level and negotiates with employers associations 8 collective agreements on a higher level.