Press releases
Breaking News:
Climate victims fight back
Copenhagen, Denmark — The Czech Ministry of Environment publicly confirmed today that it has...
Dispute over sewer system for Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech: the auto manufacturer has yielded only partially. It refuses to use most modern technologies, although it so promises.
Hyundai refuses to use the available technology for rain sewers even despite of its public...
Faulty economic studies to serve as basis for granting investment incentives to Hyundai
CzechInvest has ordered two economic studies on the potential impact of Hyundai´s planned car...
Licensing procedure for the Hyundai investment tarnished by breaches of EU law
Although Hyundai Motor Company has not yet completed its negotiations with representatives of the...
Breaking News:
Czech environmentalists and Hyundai clash over trees
AKTUALNE.CZ | author: Tomas Franek
Choking, Ostrava calls SOS to Minister of Environment
AKTUALNE.CZ | author: Tomas Netocny